General Terms
1 General Information
1.1 Provider of (“Croowy”) is Croowy GmbH, Sindlinger Bahnstraße 110, 65931 Frankfurt.
1.2 Whoever uses Croowy free of charge, registers oneself as a user or buys the products of Croowy as to the terms of use, is regarded as a user.
1.3. The terms of use are the ground rules for using the service provided by this platform. Croowy has the right to update the terms of use at any given time, if requested so by economic or legal reasons. Any changes to these Terms of Service will take effect immediately from the date of publication.
1.4 By accessing or any of Croowy’s subdomains like or, the user agrees to abide by these Terms of Service and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If the user does not agree with these Terms of Service, the user is prohibited from using or accessing this website or using any other services provided by Croowy GmbH.
1.5 The user has no permanent right to use Croowy. A permanent availability of or access to this platform in particular is not an imperative requirement. Yet Croowy endeavors to facilitate uninterrupted usage of the platform and update the platform as to the users‘ requirements.
1.6 Croowy does not warrant completeness, accuracy and availability of the information provided by Croowy. Every user who encounters wrong or misleading information is asked to inform Croowy.
2 User Access and Licensing
2.1 Passengers have the possibility to reserve one or multiple hotel rooms for themselves and their accompanying passengers by providing 1 email address and the full names of all accompanying passengers. This reservation process does not create a user account and the passenger’s data is only used for the purpose of the layover event.
2.2 Corporate Users (e.g. employees of Airlines, Ground handlers, Hotels or Hotel groups) have the possibility to create an account for the usage of the Croowy Platform. The user must provide the full name, the hotel or airline name, an email address as well as a secure password to receive access to the Croowy Platform.
2.3 During registration the corporate user claims association and ownership of a certain hotel or airline. In case no other user has claimed ownership yet, the user will be granted admin rights to the hotel or airline account, subsequently called “Company Account”.
2.4 Croowy has the right to verify the provided information and to deny or block access to the account in case Croowy comes to the conclusion that this corporate user is not legit or that this user shall not take ownership of the hotel or airline account on Croowy for other reasons.
2.5 The access credentials can only be used by the designated corporate user and must not be shared with anyone else (including other employees or agents of the client), except in the case of temporary absence (e.g. vacation or sickness). The designated user role can only be transferred if the original designated user is no longer employed in a role that requires access to the services. The client must notify Croowy of any such transfer.
2.6 The client must promptly notify Croowy if he or the designated user suspect that the access credentials have been shared with unauthorized individuals or if unauthorized individuals have gained access to the services. In such cases, the client must change the access credentials (password) immediately.
2.7 The admin of a Company Account can add additional users with various roles to the company account. The exact number of users per Company Account and available user roles are subject to the subscription the user has purchased for the Company Account.
3 Duration and Cancellation
3.1 These terms will take effect when a corporate user registers on Croowy RFP tool / Companion or when a passenger reserves a hotel through the Croowy Companion and clicks to accept the terms. If you are accepting on behalf of Customer, you represent and warrant that (i) you have full legal authority to bind Customer to this Agreement; (ii) you have read and understand this Agreement; and (iii) you agree, on behalf of Customer, to this Agreement.
3.2 These terms will remain in effect until (i) the user requests a deletion of the individual user and Company Account on the Croowy Platform. The terms apply whenever the user visits the Croowy Website or Croowy Services even after deletion of the account.
4 Alterations to Airline & Hotel Data
4.1 Croowy shall be entitled (but not obliged) to amend or adjust the contents of the Services to an extent that is reasonable for the Client, in particular in case of technological advancement or if it is required due to an important reason – e.g. disturbances in the provision of services by subcontractors or for security reasons – and the characteristics within the description of the Services, as well as the major obligations of Croowy, remain substantially unaffected. If changes do not solely regard insubstantial elements of the Services, Croowy will inform the Client about the changes at least four (4) weeks in advance via email.
4.2 In the event that Croowy changes the functionality of the Services for reasons other than those set out in clause 4.1 above, Croowy will inform the Client accordingly in advance in text form (“Change Notice”) and grant the Client a time period of at least two months to object to such changes. If the Client fails to object within the aforementioned time period, the Client shall be deemed to have consented to the changes proposed, provided that Croowy must advise the Client in its Change Notice that a failure to object within the time period stated will constitute consent. If the Client does object to the changes, Croowy may terminate the Contract effective on the date on which the changes come into effect. This clause 4.2 applies only to the extent that Croowy’s main performance obligations remain unaffected by the changes.
5 Service Guarantees
5.1 The statutory warranty rights that apply to the Services are subject to the following modifications.
5.2 A defect in the services is only considered to be a substantial deviation if it deviates from the scope of services explicitly agreed in the description of the services.
5.3 If a defect in the services is found, Croowy will repair the defect or provide the service without the defect within a reasonable period set by the client in writing. The repair may also include instructions to work around the defect in a reasonable way, so the client can use the services as agreed.
5.4 If Croowy is unable to repair the defect within the reasonable period set by the client, the client may reduce the agreed payment for the affected service by a reasonable amount.
5.5 If the unremediated defect of a service completely prevents the client from using the services commercially, the client may terminate the services and claim damages, subject to clause 10.
5.6 The client must inform Croowy immediately in writing of any defects and provide all information about the defect that is available and useful for Croowy to reproduce, analyze, and repair the defect, at no cost to the client.
6 Liability
6.1 Croowy’s statutory liability shall be unlimited for intent and gross negligence as well as for injury to life, body or health; in this case Croowy shall be liable for any culpable conduct of its employees, agents and representatives. Croowy’s statutory liability is further unlimited for breaches of any guarantees (which must be expressly designated as such in order to be guaranteed in the legal sense) and under the German Product Liability Act.
6.2 Other than in the cases set out in clause 6.1, Croowy is liable for slight negligence only in the event of a violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). Cardinal obligations for the purpose of this clause are obligations that must be performed in order to achieve the purpose of the contract and on the performance of which the Client may therefore generally rely. However, liability for such slightly negligent breaches of cardinal obligations under this clause 6.2 is limited to the typical and foreseeable damage for airline & hotel data.
6.3 Any further liability of Croowy, in particular the no-fault liability for Defects already present in the Services upon conclusion of the contract (sec. 536a para. 1 of the German Civil Code), is excluded.
6.4 In no event shall Croowy be liable for any non-performance or delay in performance due wholly or partly to any cause not reasonably in its control or not avoidable by reasonable diligence, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of terrorism or war, government or administrative orders, pandemics, labor disruptions, strikes, severe weather, delays or disruptions in transportation.
7 Service Availability
Croowy owes an average monthly availability of the Croowy Platform of 99.5% (measured at the load balancer of Croowy’s Cloud infrastructure). This means that the airline & hotel data may be unavailable for up to 223 minutes each month. This excludes scheduled maintenance work and disturbances beyond Croowy’s control, including but not limited to force majeure. Croowy will inform the Client about scheduled maintenance work in advance where possible. For clarity, Croowy may carry out emergency maintenance work without prior notice if necessary, especially if this is required for operational safety reasons.
8 Intellectual Property / Copyright protection
8.1 All information accessible through the Croowy Platform is protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws (such as the database right). Any display and/or printing of information obtained through the Croowy Platform is intended only for internal use by the Client.
8.2 The Client may not reproduce, make publicly accessible, re-transmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate the information obtained through the airline & hotel data to any third party without the express written consent of Croowy. For clarity, this also includes any affiliates of the Client.
9 Liability for a third party
9.1 The Croowy website contains some links to third party websites whose content is not known to Croowy. Croowy merely procures the access to these websites and is not responsible for their content. The links to external websites are to facilitate their navigation. Croowy does not appropriate, but dissociates itself completely from all the content that is presented on the third party websites which are linked to this platform.
9.2 The owners of the websites, which are connected to this platform via a hyperlink, are solely responsible for their content as well as for their offered products.
10 Data Protection
More information concerning data protection and data security can be found in the privacy policy of Croowy on this site.
11 Governing Law and Jurisdictional Regulations
11.1 The General Terms and Conditions Act is based on the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
11.2 All disputes arising from or related to this agreement shall be exclusively handled by the courts in Frankfurt, Germany, unless applicable statutory regulations mandate the exclusive jurisdiction of another court.
11.3 The validity of the terms of use remains unquestioned, even if some invalid or incomplete regulations should exist or arise.
Service Specific Terms
In addition to the General Terms above, the service specific terms are applicable to specific Croowy services. At the moment Croowy offers 2 services: Croowy RFP Tool and Croowy Companion.
Croowy RFP Tool
1 Delivery of airline and hotel data
1.1 The services Croowy provides typically involve collecting data related to airline and hotel information provided by the client and other clients, and then integrating, enhancing, or processing this data to make it available to the client through a web application called the “Croowy Platform” ( The specific scope of the services depends on the package selected by the client.
1.2 Croowy makes information available through the Croowy Platform ( by gathering data from airlines and hotels. Additionally, Croowy may, at its discretion, include data based on its own online research. The client acknowledges that Croowy aggregates data from third-party sources that it cannot independently verify. Croowy will accurately transcribe its own research data into the Croowy Platform but is not responsible for verifying or guaranteeing the accuracy or completeness of any data obtained from external sources, including (but not limited to) airlines and hotels and online resources.
2 Usage of Croowy and implementation of the “virtual property rights”
2.1 Parts of Croowy (e.g. can be used without registration. Most functions and services on the Croowy Platform ( though can be used by registered members only.
2.2 It is the user’s sole responsibility as to which content is being put on Croowy. He obligates himself to Croowy not to include illegal content.
2.3 The user may not send copious mails of the same content via Croowy. All kinds of spamming or similarly objectionable actions towards other users is prohibited.
2.4 Access to and usage of Croowy is executed individually via one web browser. The application of Webspider, Crawler or similar programs with the purpose of not only indexing the content but also extracting and saving large quantities of the platform’s content is prohibited. Included are programs in particular that facilitate offers and services of a third party via the so-called Screen Scraping.
2.5 A user’s breach of these terms of use qualifies Croowy to apply the virtual property rights. The user in question may be excluded from using the service, and the utilized content might be erased. Croowy will prosecute a legitimate claim to omission and compensation.
3 Fees
3.1 As compensation for Croowy’s provision of the services, the client agrees to pay Croowy the agreed fee along with any applicable value-added tax at the standard rate.
3.2 If a hotel company account has chosen the FREE subscription, it will not be required to pay the yearly fee unless (i) the contract is converted into a BASIC subscription contract as outlined in clause 4.1, or (ii) the parties agree to convert the contract into a PRO package, in which case the client will pay the relevant fee for that package.
3.3 Airline company accounts are subject to offline negotiated packages.
3.4 Croowy is entitled to invoice the fee annually, at the start of each calendar month from the contract’s commencement and renewal date. Invoices must be paid within 14 days of receipt.
4 Duration and Cancellation
4.1 The subscription of a Company Acccount to the BASIC / PRO package or offline negotiated airline packages will take effect (i) on the date of the subscription purchase on the Croowy Platform, or (ii) on the specified date agreed upon by both parties or (iii) if no date is specified, the contract will take effect on the date an agreement is signed by both parties (the “Effective Date”).
4.2 The Croowy subscription will remain in effect for one year after a subscription was purchased, unless terminated by either party with a minimum of 30 days’ written notice prior to the end of the subscription year (the “Initial Term”). After that, the agreement will automatically renew for consecutive one-year terms (each, a “Renewal Terms”).
5 Client’s Data Provision
5.1 In addition to paying the agreed Fee, the Client acknowledges that it is essential to Croowy’s provision of the Services that the Client must continuously share with Croowy certain data relating to its own business, as set out in more detail below.
5.2 This section applies to Hotel Accounts only: During the entire term of the Contract, Hotel clients shall provide Croowy with data for indicative airline rate ranges based on their business requirement. Such data is to be provided as soon as the business mix changes. Subject to clause 5.4 below, the data shall contain the following information: hotel profile, crew benefits, hotel description for airlines and RFP questionnaire.
5.3 No personal data (as defined in the GDPR) shall be transmitted by the Client. If a passenger is a natural person, the Client shall fully anonymize the data which relates to that passenger’s flight booking prior to transmitting it to Croowy. The Client will indemnify and hold Croowy harmless from and against any third party claim, damage, loss, and expense (including reasonable market-rate legal fees) suffered or incurred by Croowy due to the Client’s breach of this clause 5.4.
5.4 The data to be provided under clause 5.2 and 5.3 above shall be provided by email, in tabular form, and in any of the following formats: .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .csv.
5.5 If and for as long as the Client fails to comply with its obligations under clause 5.2 above, Croowy shall be entitled to suspend the provision of the Services to the Client. In the event of repeated failures to comply despite prior warning, Croowy shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without notice and with immediate effect.
Croowy Companion
1 Passenger and Crew Terms & Conditions
1.1 Booking Acknowledgement
By accessing a booking made through Croowy, you agree to these terms and conditions.
1.2 Accommodation and Services
1.2.1 Your booking includes standard room accommodation, breakfast, lunch, and dinner as agreed upon by your airline and the hotel.
1.2.2 Additional services or amenities are not included and will incur charges payable directly to the hotel.
1.3. Check-in and Conduct
1.3.1 Upon arrival, proceed to the hotel reception for check-in with a valid identification.
1.3.2 Respect hotel rules and staff. Misconduct may result in booking revocation.
1.4. Data Usage
1.4.1 Your airline shared your personal data with Croowy for booking management, in accordance with GDPR and German data protection laws.
1.4.2 For reservation of one or multiple hotel rooms you have to share your full name, your email address and the full names of accompanying passengers. This personal data is only used for the layover management.
1.4.3 You have the right to request access, rectification, deletion, or restriction of your data.
1.5. Limitation of Liability
1.5.1 Croowy facilitates bookings and is not liable for the hotel’s service quality. Address concerns directly with the hotel.
1.5.2 Croowy is not liable for flight delays, disruptions, or travel complications.
1.6. Changes and Cancellations
1.6.1 Communicate any changes or cancellations to your airline, who will coordinate with Croowy and the hotel. Hotel policies may apply.
1.7. Contact Information
1.7.1 For immediate assistance, contact the hotel reception.
1.7.2 For booking or data privacy inquiries, contact your airline or Croowy at
2. Partner Hotel Terms and Conditions
2.1. Services
2.1.1 Croowy as Intermediary: Croowy acts as an intermediary between the Partner Hotel and the Airline, facilitating the accommodation contract.
2.1.2 Booking Responsibility: The Airline is generally responsible for accommodation and meal costs, unless otherwise agreed upon. Extras are the guest’s responsibility.
2.1.3 Transportation: Croowy may arrange transportation on behalf of the Airline, except when the Partner Hotel is the service provider or has its own shuttle.
2.1.4 Short Notice: Croowy will endeavor to provide booking details to the Partner Hotel at least one hour before guest arrival.
2.2. Booking Process
2.2.1 The agreed number of persons, rooms, and prices form the basis of the accommodation contract between the Airline and the Partner Hotel.
2.2.2 Croowy may prepare a cost assumption, potentially acting as a Partner Hotel representative.
2.2.3 Croowy will confirm availability with the Partner Hotel before arranging bookings.
2.2.4 Croowy is not liable for damages in case of no-shows or late cancellations.
2.3. Commission
2.3.1 The Partner Hotel pays Croowy a 10% commission plus VAT on the net revenue from arranged services.
2.3.2 Croowy will invoice the commission, payable within 14 days.
2.4. Invoicing and Payment
2.4.1 The Partner Hotel provides an information invoice to Croowy the day after guest arrival.
2.4.2 Croowy obtains a cost assumption declaration from the Airline and sends it to the Partner Hotel.
2.4.3 The Partner Hotel invoices the Airline directly and sends a copy to Croowy within 24 hours.
2.5. Term and Termination
2.5.1 The agreement starts with registration or usage of the Croowy Companion ( and can be terminated by the Partner Hotel without notice or by Croowy with 7 days’ notice.
2.6. Other Provisions
2.6.1 Croowy’s General Terms and Conditions of Use for Hotels and German law apply, excluding the UN Convention on the Sale of Goods.
3 Airline and Ground Handler Terms and Conditions
3.1. Booking Process
3.1.1 Platform Access: Croowy grants airlines and authorized ground handlers access to its platform to search and book hotel rooms for passengers and crew members.
3.1.2 Information Accuracy: The booking party (airline or ground handler) is responsible for the accuracy of booking information.
3.1.3 Booking Confirmation: Croowy will provide a confirmation, which the booking party must review.
3.1.4 Changes and Cancellations: These should be communicated promptly, potentially incurring fees based on the partner hotel’s policy.
3.2. Payment and Invoicing
3.2.1 Assumption of Costs: The airline is responsible for accommodation and meal costs unless the ground handler explicitly agrees otherwise during booking.
3.2.2 Direct Payment: Invoices are sent to the responsible party, and payment terms must be adhered to as outlined on the invoice.
3.2.3 Additional Charges: These are the guest’s responsibility unless otherwise agreed upon with the hotel beforehand.
3.3. Data Protection
3.3.1 Airline Data: Croowy processes this data in accordance with GDPR and German laws.
3.3.2 Guest Data Sharing: The airline is responsible for obtaining necessary consents for sharing guest data with Croowy.
3.3.3 Confidentiality: Croowy is committed to maintaining data confidentiality.
3.4. Relationship of Parties
3.4.1 Independent Contractors: Croowy is an independent contractor and intermediary. The accommodation contract is between the hotel and the booking party.
3.4.2 No Agency: Croowy does not act as an agent or representative of airlines or ground handlers.
3.5. Liability
3.5.1 Croowy’s Limited Liability: Croowy is not liable for hotel actions or omissions.
3.5.2 Service Disruptions: Croowy is not liable for disruptions caused by forces beyond its control.
Data protection statement: We are delighted by your interest in our website. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Below we will inform you in detail as to how your data is handled.
1 The collection, processing and use of personal data
You can visit our site without having to enter personal data. We only save access data without reference to the user, e.g. the name of your Internet service provider, the site from which you visited us, or the name of the requested file. The data is analyzed exclusively to allow us to improve our services, and does not allow us to identify you as an individual.
Personal data is only collected if voluntarily given to us by you as part of a particular contract or when registering for our newsletter. We use the data you provide us with to fulfill and process your order. Upon the complete fulfillment of the contract, your information will be blocked and then deleted upon expiry of tax and commercial law retention periods, provided you have not expressly consented to the further use of your information. On registering for the newsletter your email address will be used for private advertising purposes, until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.
2 We will not share your personal information with third parties, unless
with your express prior consent, or unless a third party informs us that the content (pictures, text) you have provided for our online offer violates their rights, meaning we are obliged to publish this data, for example due to a court or administrative order.
3 Your consent to receive our newsletter.
You have expressly granted the following consent(s) and we have logged the consent. According to the German Telemedia Act (TMG) we are obliged to keep the content of the consent ready to be called up at any time. This consent may be withdrawn at any time in the future.
Permission for email advertising. I want to subscribe to the newsletter (this can be canceled at any time). On registering for the newsletter your email address will be used for private advertising purposes, until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.
4. Use of cookies:
5. Web analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a Web analysis service from Google Inc. (‘Google’). Google Analytics uses ‘cookies’, text files that are saved on your computer and allow your use of the website to be analyzed. The information about your use of the website which is generated by the cookie (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the USA and saved there. Google will use this information to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities for the operators of the site, and to render further services connected to the use of websites and the Internet. Google will also relay this information to third parties to the extent that this is prescribed by statute or where third parties are contracted by Google.
Under no circumstances will Google link your IP address to other data retrieved by Google. You can prevent the installation of the cookies using a special setting of your browser software; however, in that case, please be aware that you might not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. The use of this website implies your express agreement to Google using the data collected from you in the way and for the purpose described above.
6. Right of objection
You can object to the collection and saving of your data by Google Analytics at any time and with immediate effect for the future, e.g. by downloading a browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics and installing it for your browser. You can find the deactivation add-on here:
7 Data protection
We protect our website and other systems through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. Your customer account (if you have one) can only be accessed by entering your personal password. You should always ensure your login data remains confidential and to close the browser window after you are finished communicating with us, especially when sharing use of the computer with others.
8 Changes to this privacy policy
Croowy reserves the right to amend this privacy policy declaration at any time while observing the existing privacy policy regulations. For the use of our online services, the online version of this privacy policy available at the time of your visit applies.
9 Right of access to information.
The Federal Data Protection Act states that you have the right to free information about your stored data at any time, as well as the right to correct, block or delete this information.
10 Data retention
In general, personal data will be retained for as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was processed. The duration for which Croowy will hold your personal data will also depend on the legal basis on which your data is processed. If the processing is based on legitimate interest, your data will be processed for as long as Croowy’s legitimate interest exists. For data retained based on legal obligations, the retention period is determined by applicable legal regulations. When data is processed based on the performance of a contract, it will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship and any applicable limitation period. If the processing is based on your consent, your personal data will be deleted after you withdraw your consent. Please be aware that the same data may also be processed based on other legal bases, in which case withdrawing your consent may not result in the complete erasure of your data.
Croowy will neither collect an excessive amount of personal data nor gather other information that is not relevant to the purposes for which the personal data is being collected.
If you create a User Account, we will process your data for the duration of your registration with Croowy. You have the option to delete your User Account at any time and can also manage the data processed about you via your User Account.
Personal data collected by Croowy as part of the customer verification process will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship between Croowy and its customers, as well as for 5 years after the termination of the contractual relationship.
Croowy will not retain data provided by you or collected automatically during phone calls for a longer period than necessary for the purposes for which they were provided or collected. Furthermore, you can withdraw your consent to data processing at any time by sending a message to, in which case we will remove your data from our system.
The personal data of successful applicants will be processed and retained in accordance with our employee Privacy Policy. The personal data of unsuccessful applicants who have given their consent for consideration for future positions at Croowy will be processed for the duration specified in the consent, with the option to withdraw consent at any time. The personal data of unsuccessful applicants who have not provided consent for retaining their personal data will be retained for as long as Croowy’s legitimate interest exists in protecting itself from legal claims and facilitating the hiring process.
11 Contact partner for data protection
For questions regarding the collection, processing and use of your personal information, concerning the disclosure, correction, blocking or deletion of data, or the revocation of granted consents, please contact us at